★✥❋Fuzen Shimura✥❋★

★ About me ★

⋆ Camillus (Cam), Fuzen (Fuz)

⋆ He/They

⋆ 18+ (my age)⋆I have Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder


⋆ Genderfluid, Panromantic, Androsexual


★ BYF ★

⋆ Writer, Fancam Editor

⋆ Multiship/Fandom

⋆ RT heavy

⋆ Sfw but I rt very light gore (ones you would see in animes) but it's all the animated and not irl kind

⋆ not spoiler free

⋆ DMs are always open⋆ Shitposts galore , there will be cursed stuff⋆ If we are moots and you decide to unfollow PLEASE tell me why because I have insane paranoia I'm not mentally stable for this shit⋆if you ever see any rumors or statements about me from others you are allowed to dm me and ask if they're true, I hate people who assume something about me just because someone told them⋆If you see me follow someone who harasses others please bring it to me in dms
★ DNI ★

follow just to hate/stalk; think liking a character means condoning their actions; think following an account means condoning their actions; think it's ok to harass someone you dislike & priv qrt

★ Game ID ★

⋆FGO NA : 009,899,659

⋆FGO JP : DM for it thx

⋆ AASIDE : r5Y8oTcL

⚔ Shirou Day Countdown (yes) ⚔